Rocks & Water

Combining rocks and permeable surfaces with water flow-through designs for your space will help more water to make it’s way through the ecosystem as it does naturally. Allowing a path for water means creating a landscape that is lush and beautiful, while also aiding the landscape and any buildings near it to be more resistant to floods, heatwaves, and fires.

Permeable Surfaces

Permeable Surfaces are important for gathering water run off, soil quality & oxygenation, and can be a beautiful addition to any landscape. Your local water district or other agencies may already be asking you to increase the amount of Permeable Surfaces in your landscape.
These surfaces may be rock mulch, gravel, specially installed pavers, and other surfaces designed to let water flow naturally, be better filtered, and better dispersed.


Water is critical to all life, yet it can be destructive without a place to go. By designing for seasonal storms, seasonal heat and fire risks, as well as installing systems like rain water capture, grey water capture, dry river beds or catch basins, and many other creative ways to save water and make the most of every drop.


Rocks are an important way to help control erosion, provide shade and root protection to plants, as well as add interesting colors and textures to a landscape.

Everything you need;
None of what nature doesn’t

Eco Friendly

We treat every part of our job with care to do no harm, whether it’s people & pets, plants, wildlife, or the soil itself.


We do our work with compassion and consideration for all living things, choosing to uphold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.


Everything we do is with the aim to make the most of resources on site, relying on hand-work and planning, as well as reducing, reusing & recycling.

Water Saving

Landscaping that conserves water is more critical now than ever. From grey water, rain water, and storm overflow capture & recycling to planning & plant choice– we work to make the most of every drop.

Nature’s Gifts

Your surroundings are unique to you– growing plants that provide a harvest of food, herbs, medicine, or decoration can be incorporated into your landscape design plan and your maintenance plan can include harvesting.

Clean & Tidy

Using nature as a guide, we keep plants looking nice & thriving, with minimal disruption to the many roles they play in their ecosystem.

Some of Our Work

Outdoor spaces, gardens, patios, and other landscape features designed with nature in mind. See some of our past work.

California native garden with wooden chairs in the background and a blooming chaparral mallow in the foreground

Let’s Get Started

Your perfect retreat awaits. Let us know what you have in mind and we’ll give you a quote.