Trees & Shrubs

Often a focal point for both humans and wildlife will be trees and shrubs. Native trees provide food, shade, shelter, and enjoyment when planted in the right spot and when given the proper conditions & space to thrive.


Who can resist a big beautiful tree? Not us, not you, and certainly not the wildlife! Native oaks, native pines, and native fir trees are a great choice for any landscape. They provide shade, year round food and shelter, as well as free mulch! The only thing we need to do is plan their placement wisely.


Shrubs are the underrated heroes of native plant landscaping. By providing flowers, berries, and nutrient rich foods like a tree yet without the need for large space or the risk of falling branches. Some wildlife prefer them over trees and they can provide a rich variety of colors and textures.


Inspired by the wild, our tree and shrub maintenance is done in a symbiotic manner with the plants & wildlife. By carefully choosing seasons, manicuring stems, buds, and dead matter in an attractive way, as well as mulching with on site materials, many of nature’s processes can be optimized and amplified for a gorgeous, life-sustaining landscape.

Everything you need;
None of what nature doesn’t

Eco Friendly

We treat every part of our job with care to do no harm, whether it’s people & pets, plants, wildlife, or the soil itself.


We do our work with compassion and consideration for all living things, choosing to uphold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.


Everything we do is with the aim to make the most of resources on site, relying on hand-work and planning, as well as reducing, reusing & recycling.

Water Saving

Landscaping that conserves water is more critical now than ever. From grey water, rain water, and storm overflow capture & recycling to planning & plant choice– we work to make the most of every drop.

Nature’s Gifts

Your surroundings are unique to you– growing plants that provide a harvest of food, herbs, medicine, or decoration can be incorporated into your landscape design plan and your maintenance plan can include harvesting.

Clean & Tidy

Using nature as a guide, we keep plants looking nice & thriving, with minimal disruption to the many roles they play in their ecosystem.

Some of Our Work

Outdoor spaces, gardens, patios, and other landscape features designed with nature in mind. See some of our past work.

California native garden with wooden chairs in the background and a blooming chaparral mallow in the foreground

Let’s Get Started

Your perfect retreat awaits. Let us know what you have in mind and we’ll give you a quote.