

Box 3274
Wrightwood CA 92397


Quote Number QUO-05-21-2024
Quote Date May 21, 2024
Total $430.00
Zauma Se

Site goals: remove weeds, encourage reseeding of natives, labyrinth layout & leveling of area, make spaces more usable and attractive

Projects to start:
Level & layout labyrinth
Quick hand weeding of invasive grasses

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
14 Labyrinth

Level ground for labyrinth, draw out a plan for it and have client approve or adjust design, layout design in rock.

4 Quick hand-weeding

Hand weeding the invasive grasses and encouraging the existing native plants to thrive.

Sub Total $430.00
Tax $0.00
Total $430.00

One comment

  1. Zauma Se says:

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