

Box 3274
Wrightwood CA 92397

Invoice Number INV-05-20-2024-01
Invoice Date May 14, 2024
Due Date May 31, 2024
Total Due $425.42
The Wrightwood Place

770 HWY 2
Wrightwood CA 92397

• Chapel Path Garden

Wrightwood Place Plant list:

Goals for site:
Attractive scene for weddings & events
Prevent erosion / improve water retention
Keep native plants & propagate them, remove weeds
Improve irrigation, connect to monitor, etc.
Small scale grading in areas prone to flood
Reinforce areas near walkway

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2 Royal Penstemon Seed pack
1 Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii) Seed Pack
1 Creamcups (Platystemon californicus) Seed Pack
1 Sulphur Buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum) Seed Pack
1 Yellow Rayed Layia (Layia glandulosa) Seed Pack
12 CA Native Nursery stock

Selection of CA Native nursery plants to establish garden faster and help annual seeds to establish.
Selection based on availability, examples:
Penstemon, Snowberry, Buckwheats, CA Poppies, Goldenrod, low-growing coyote bush or ceanothus, monkeyflowers, etc.

1 Mulch - Bark nuggets

25 bags of Bark mulch, the most attractive and natural mulch for our environment.
Covers ~200sqft

1 Delivery fee

Delivery fee for plants & mulch

Sub Total $425.42
Tax $0.00
Total Due $425.42