

Box 3274
Wrightwood CA 92397

Invoice Number INV-09182023-01
Invoice Date September 18, 2023
Due Date September 19, 2023
Total Due $241.50

Crows' Nest on Juniper in Wrightwood

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
4.83 Native Plant Gardening

12-12:30 gather rocks
12:30-3:20 on-site - place rocks, till soil, removed poplar sprouts and underground tubers, pruned 1st juniper & self mulched, regraded soil under and around first two junipers, removed non-native weeds and transplanted native Baily’s Buckwheat into a small section in the juniper garden
3:20-5:30 lunch
5:30-7pm another small rock load gathered, place rocks in approximate area they will go, finish tilling and grading area around second juniper & transplanting remaining native plants to the front of the garden with the others

0 Site Analysis

Soil composition: silty loam & sandy loam areas around edges
Existing plants:
Hollywood Junipers - need some pruning at lowest section of trees to improve airflow, water uptake, & encourage growth, starting at about 1/8 of plant at a time (will do more in spring, about 1/4th); appears to have plenty of moisture in roots but areas surrounding it are very dry and compacted. Suggested treatment is aerating soil, adding more irrigation and planting companion native plants and mulching areas surrounding them.
Poplar sprouts: much of yard seems to be infiltrated with the poplar roots/rhizomes; removal of sprouts and leaving areas to dry in sun should help reduce spread for now; it is a slow process but should result in removing them completely, they need to be controlled so they don't grow under the home and into septic systems even though they are a great tree in wide open spaces;
Bailey's Buckwheat: a lovely native plant somewhat resembling baby's breath, now transplanted it should survive and reseed in the spot it is in, poppies, evening primrose and other heat loving plants will be seeded when the garden bed is completed;

Sub Total $241.50
Tax $0.00
Total Due $241.50