

Box 3274
Wrightwood CA 92397

Invoice Number INV-00010022023
Invoice Date October 2, 2023
Due Date October 3, 2023
Total Due $168.75

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
6.75 Native Plant Gardening

11-1:00 clean up right side junipers & pull soil away from rock wall; clean up area by fence gate & gutter for an additional rain garden & small start of rock path for water redirection with surface rocks
1-2:45 lunch
2:45-6:45 on-site - removed poplar sprouts and underground tubers, pruned 1st juniper on right, cleaned understory of three of the junipers, regraded soil under and around last junipers by creek exit, removed non-native weeds;
Filled part of rock stream bed with large & small rocks from previous collecting
4hrs & 45 min

0 Site Analysis

Grade away from house and into dry creek bed
Work on driveway/walkway started, some work on other side of driveway will need to be done to help flooding and will be the next priority before starting the creek to keep it from flooding with debris in case rains come while work is being completed

Sub Total $168.75
Tax $0.00
Total Due $168.75